To Healthcare Providers Feeling Trapped by a System That’s Draining Their Time & Energy…

FREE 5-Day Path To Gold Challenge Shows You How to Escape Burnout, Reclaim Your Time & Build a Career You LOVE!

Join the FREE Challenge from Sept. 30 to Oct. 4 @ 7 PM EST ⬇️

From the Laptop of Greg Todd

Clearwater, Florida

Seeing 60 patients a week while struggling with burnout and financial stress isn’t the price of being a healthcare provider…

It’s a sign that something needs to change. 

Every healthcare provider deserves a career that allows them to care for others and themselves - without sacrificing health, time, or family.

Sadly, that’s rarely the case.

Instead they’re stuck on an endless treadmill believing their worth is directly tied to the hours they work…

…Gaining more knowledge and skills to become more valuable - BUT having less time to use those skills.

…And capped out on how many lives they can change because they ONLY work one-to-one.

It's a vicious cycle.

Which explains why a recent study by ORACLE found that:

“...more than 6.5 million healthcare workers plan to leave their jobs by 2026 due to burnout, and ONLY 1.9 million will step in to replace them, leaving a national shortage of more than 4 million workers…”

The very knowledge and skills that should be their greatest assets become the chains that bind them to an unsustainable career path, trapped by their own success.

So how can we solve this and is there REALLY a way to make an impact and help more people - without sacrificing one’s well-being and bank balance?

YES there is, and I'm going to share it with you...

But first, let's clear up what the answer is NOT:

  • It's NOT going back to school and getting another degree (racking up 5-6 figures of debt)…

  • It's NOT leaving the profession and starting all over again from scratch…

  • And it's definitely NOT cramming more patients into an already packed schedule on the fast track to burnout.


What you truly need is a way to take what you've already got (the experience, the expertise, the relationships) and use the process of “alchemy” to turn it into gold.

By GOLD I mean opportunities that:

  • Protect your personal well-being while still allowing you to make a significant impact…

  • Require minimal time commitment, so you can spend more time with your family…

  • Secure your financial future by creating high-value, high-profit opportunities…

  • Multiply your impact and reignite your passion for healthcare!

And NOW is the perfect time to take action because while many view “the shortage of 4 million workers” as a disaster…

…In reality…


And on the Path to Gold Challenge, we'll show you exactly how to take advantage of it.

What would you give up to wake up excited to a day that feels entirely your own... Where your expertise works for you, not the other way around?

Give me just 90 minutes for 5 days and you’ll see:

  • The 'Leverage Technique' allowing PTs, OTs, SLPs and all sorts of health providers to serve 100s to 1000s of people in a month - working just a few hours a month (YET it can pay better than a full time job)!

  • The non-healthcare model that enabled dietitian to leave the security of her full time job while increasing her income - without seeing a SINGLE patient (getting more free time with her kiddos)…

  • A method to CLONE yourself so you can provide expert care to patients while you sleep…

  • How to AMPLIFY your existing relationships into an endless goldmine of opportunities…

  • The simple approach every healthcare provider in our community uses to position themselves as the go-to expert in their field!

…And that’s just part of it!

Don't take my word for it…

I've now shown over 4,000 students the Path to Gold, and many of them have used it to make a greater impact, reclaim their time, renew their passion for healthcare while increasing their income.

I want to be there with you every step of the way as you turn your expertise into a thriving, sustainable career.

Take Kelly Alhooie, a pelvic PT who was in heavy debt and feeling stuck.

After learning some of these strategies, she built a multi 6-figure coaching business in less than 1 year while still running her clinic. She was finally able to buy her dream home and is enjoying more quality time with her husband.

Then there’s Greg and Sarah Louie, who work with skiers and runners.

They replaced their income from their insurance practice jobs within just 4 months and went all-in on their new business.

Now they have more time to spend doing things they love (like ski) while helping more people than ever before.

Or how about Katie Blanchard, a PT whose monthly workshops serve 100s of people with scoliosis in just 90 minutes (her first one brought in around $10K in sales).

This gives Katie the flexibility and CHOICE to work only part time at a clinic.

There's also Nicole and Stephanie (a PT & OT team). Today they help 1,500 therapists document in a more efficient and effective way using a monthly membership model.

Like I said there are healthcare professionals from 19 different specialties inside our community. On the challenge, I'll introduce you to dietitians, nutritionists, OTs, clinic owners, and employees.

The Path to Gold Challenge starts September 30th at 7PM EST. The sooner you register, the faster you’ll be able to transform your own career, reclaim your life and rediscover your passion for healthcare...

Spots are limited and once they’re filled, you’ll have to wait until next year.

This is your chance to be one of the first healthcare providers to experience the power of “Healthcare Alchemy” at work.

So if you'd like to see what these successful healthcare entrepreneurs are doing (and how they're doing it) so you can do it too…

You're invited to sign up for The Path to Gold Challenge from September 30th to October 4th from 7PM to 830PM EST.

Click below to secure your spot in the Path to Gold Challenge👇👇👇

The Real Reason Healthcare Providers Are Stuck 

(Not What You Think)

The problem isn't a lack of knowledge, skills, or effort. The truth is you're trapped in a system that doesn't allow you to fully leverage your unique combination of expertise and experience.

It's like having a Swiss Army knife but only ever using the bottle opener.

I blame the “Healthcare Value Trap”...

This trap has 3 sneaky components:

1. The Time-Value Fallacy: You've been led to believe that your worth is directly tied to the hours you work.

2. The Expertise Paradox: As you've gained more knowledge and skills, you've become more valuable. But in reality, you now have less time to leverage that value. 

3. The Impact Ceiling: There's only so many patients you can see in a day. This physical limitation puts a cap on how many lives you can touch when using the one-to-one model.

All this means you’re playing a game designed for you to lose.

And every day you remain inside the Healthcare Value Trap, the burnout deepens, and your ability to care for others (and yourself) fades. The time to break free is now.

The good news is you can change the system so it works for you.

What You Need Is A Little Alchemy - A Way To Transform Your Unique Blend Of Skills, Knowledge & Experience Into Gold…

Alchemy is about realizing the power you already hold and using it to break free from the system that’s been holding you back.

It’s about turning your hard-earned skills into something bigger… Something that lets you live the life you deserve.

Think about it…

…You've got years of experience, a brain full of solutions, and a genuine desire to help people.

So what if you packaged all that in a way that solves your market’s deepest pains - the ones they'd happily pay premium prices for?

That’s exactly what we’re going to show you to do during the 5-Day Path to Gold Challenge!

It's a five-step process enabling you to serve more patients, work less and potentially earn more. 

The 5 Steps to “Healthcare Alchemy” are:

STEP 1: Uncover Your Hidden Treasures

We'll dig deep to find your most valuable skills and experiences - even the ones you might not realize are gold mines.

STEP 2: Spot the Golden Opportunities

You'll learn to see where your unique blend of expertise can solve problems in ways you never imagined.

STEP 3: Craft Your High-Value Offerings

This is where we turn lead into gold, creating services that deliver massive value without eating up all your time.

STEP 4: Build New Revenue Streams

We'll help you leverage your healthcare know-how into income sources that don't require you to be there 24/7.

STEP 5: Multiply Your Impact (Not Your Hours)

Fine-tune your approach to reach more people and earn more, all while working less.

The result? You become the alchemist of your own career - using what you already possess to create something far more valuable and sustainable.

And if you're worried about what your colleagues might think, remember this… innovation in healthcare delivery is not just accepted, it's necessary. 

By expanding your impact beyond the traditional model, you're not abandoning your profession – you're elevating it.

Click below to secure your spot in the Path to Gold Challenge. Remember, spots are limited.

What Exactly Is The 5-Day Path To Gold Challenge?

The strategies we’ll share are transforming the healthcare industry as we speak. Those who act now will be at the forefront while those who wait, will be playing catch-up for years to come.

The Path to Gold Challenge is structured to give you a clear, proven roadmap to follow. Each day builds on the next, so you always know what to do next. 

And because we know that every healthcare professional’s journey is different, we offer plenty of flexibility to adapt the strategies to your unique goals and situation.

You’ll not only learn proven strategies to turn your expertise into a thriving business, but you’ll also put those strategies into action immediately with our daily tasks. 

Plus, you’ll be surrounded by a community of healthcare professionals who are on the same journey, supporting and motivating you along the way. Together, we’ll help you find a path that fits your needs.


Uncover Your Hidden Potential

Discover the crucial difference between Level 1 and Level 10 opportunities in healthcare. Learn why your current approach may be limiting your income and how to identify high-value opportunities that leverage your existing skills. By the end of Day 1, you’ll see your healthcare career path in a whole new light - full of opportunities.


Monetize Your Expertise

Identify lucrative opportunities hidden within your current education and experience. Learn how to transform your hard-earned knowledge into profitable products and services that don't require your constant presence. You'll discover frameworks for creating that can generate income 24/7, allowing you to help more people without trading hours for dollars.


Turn Relationships into Revenue

Harness the power of your relationships to create new income streams. Explore strategies for building communities that generate opportunities. You'll learn how to turn your existing network into an ecosystem that provides value to others while creating multiple revenue streams for you.


Maximize Your Patient Care Impact

Transform your approach to patient care to increase both impact and income. Discover how to create and sell high-value, solution-based offers that allow you to earn more while seeing fewer patients. You'll also learn powerful messaging and presentation techniques to effectively communicate your value and enroll clients in your premium services.


Discovering Your Unique Path To Gold

Synthesize everything you've learned to create your personalized path to gold. We'll help you identify which path aligns best with your skills, passions, and goals. Whichever path it is, you'll leave with a clear action plan to turn your healthcare expertise into a thriving, profitable venture.


When You Sign Up For The

5-Day Path to Gold Challenge TODAY!

  • Unlock the secret "Alchemy" hiding in your healthcare expertise – discover how to turn your knowledge into gold without seeing a single patient! (Day 1)

  • Learn how to create income streams that pay you 24/7, even while you sleep! (Day 2)

  • Harness the power of relationships to build a thriving community that feeds you clients! (Day 3)

  • Transform your patient care approach and pull in premium fees while working less and helping more people! (Day 4)

  • Craft your personalized "Golden Path" strategy – walk away with a blueprint to skyrocket your income and reclaim your life! (Day 5)

  • Free Gift #1: The Healthcare Alchemist’s Workbook

  • Free Gift #2: Access to our private community with additional resources and opportunities to meet other incredible healthcare providers

  • Free Gift #3: The chance to win amazing Prizes to help you on your journey like free software, SSHC courses and a coaching call!



5-Day LIVE Virtual Event: The Path To Gold Challenge


September 30th to October 4th from 7PM - 830PM EST


So you can finally enjoy the time, clinical & financial freedom you deserve!

Zoom In Below To Read What Attendees Say About Our Challenges?

6 Figures in Less Than One Year!!

“Bill makes starting your own business EASY. In fact, I reached 6 figures in less than one year!”

Daily W.

$1,495 / Month Client AND A $10,000 Cleanup Fee!!

“I am so grateful for Bill. I’ve just landed my first client for $1,495 a month. And a cleanup fee of $10,000. Thank you SO much!!!”


Just Hit the $200k-per-Year Milestone!!

“I’m not spending a dime on marketing, other than paying to host my website. Yesterday, I signed a client that put me over $200,000 in annual billing. This doesn’t even include set-up fees or tax returns. This is JUST for recurring monthly billings. This is what’s possible when you learn from Bill!”


6-Figure Business in 11 Months with No Prior Experience!!

Maura Davis started from zero, but very quickly was able to start and grow her own bookkeeping business, quit her previous job, double her previous salary, and gain countless hours back with her family in less than a year.

All while raising her kids, too!

Maura D.

6 Figures in Less Than 6 Months!!

“For 3 YEARS, I wanted to start a bookkeeping business, but I didn’t have the courage. It wasn’t until I had Bill’s step-by-step techniques as a guide that I was able to not only begin, but also quickly grow to 6 figures in less than 6 months.”

Lisette A.

Said “Goodbye!” to Her 9–5!!

“I have built my new business to the point that I have surpassed my past full-time paycheck AND have paid for business insurance and health insurance. I’m now a small business owner, working 100% from home, calling my own shots, and PROUD that I did it at 58 years old.  I’m the best boss I’ve ever had!”


Quit Demanding Restaurant Job & Made $100k!!

“My bookkeeping business allowed me to quit my demanding restaurant management job, spend the holidays with my new baby boy, and replace my salary within the first month!

Not only that, I gave myself a pay raise while working fewer hours! I’m now making over $100k per year with more flexibility than ever.”

Lauren S.

Ready to Finally Make the Money You Need in the Hours That Work for You & Your Family?

Replaced Salary in 8 Months!!

Jimmie worked hard at his job to earn the incentive bonuses that his boss offered. But each time he hit his marks, his boss would come up with excuses and refuse to pay him the bonus. 

So, he built a bookkeeping business on the side and 8 months later had replaced his salary. He walked into this boss’s office… and quit!

Jimmie N.

Earning $5k per Month While Working Part Time!!

“Woohoooooo! I just got signed engagement for another $1,200/month. My monthly revenue is a little over $5,000 now and I’m only doing this part time.”


First Client ($22,000) after 6 Days!!

“Happy to share that I just received my first signed engagement letter today. $22,000 for a cleanup AND $1,000 per month after that. Bill’s teachings were a tremendous help!”


$75,000 in 8 Months!!

“There’s no way I would have made it this far, this quick, without Bill’s help. Thank you for the support! I can’t stop smiling.”


$25,000 with Just 3 Contracts!!

“YAAA! Just signed my third contract! $14,000 cleanup and $600 a month! Halfway to my $50k goal. I can’t thank Bill and his team enough!”


Making $75k on the Side!!

While working full time, Jason started his bookkeeping business and earned $75,000 per year on the side!

Jason K.

Signed 5 Clients in One Day!!

“I just wanted to say thanks to Bill. I had one client and then just got 5 more today! I started with absolutely no bookkeeping or accounting knowledge and limited time to devote to the process.

Thank you for changing the future for me and my kids. I’m so grateful!”


Signed 12 Clients!!

I live in a small town so I thought there was no way I could build a successful bookkeeping business. But now I have! 

Just signed 3 new clients this week—making it a total of 12. I am LOVING it!”


$100k Business in 1 Year!!

“It’s my anniversary of working with Bill! And I have to thank him and his team for helping to make my dream come true. 

I just signed a client who put me over my 100k/year goal. I LOVE working from home, being available to my family, and helping small businesses.”


Meet Your Host,


With over two decades of experience as a PT, Greg isn't just talking the talk - he's walked the walk. He's built three PT clinics from the ground up, generating over $30 million in revenue.

But his true passion? Helping other healthcare providers break free from the burnout cycle, stop trading time for money, and achieve the clinical, financial and time freedom they deserve.

Featured in Men's Journal and a sought-after speaker at events like PTBIZCON and The Canadian Physiotherapy Association, Greg has become the go-to expert for healthcare professionals looking to revolutionize their careers.

Greg has mentored over 4,000 healthcare professionals and has students in 19 different specialties.

The choice is yours.

Option 1: Continue on your current path. Keep struggling with burnout, limited income, and a shrinking passion for your work.

Option 2: Join the Path to Gold Challenge. Learn the secrets of Healthcare Alchemy. Transform your career. Reclaim your life.

A week from today you'll have opened the door to a completely new future and all you need to invest is 90 minutes for 5 days.

Remember... This offer expires when spots fill up. And they're going fast.

Don't let this opportunity slip away.

Don't spend another year wondering "what if?"

Click the button below now. Your future self will thank you.

See you there,

Greg Todd

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does the Path to Gold Challenge COST?

The Path to Gold Challenge is free. We do offer a VIP & Platinum VIP option for those who want to ask Greg questions or want more personalized help.

How does the Path To Gold Challenge work?

Right after you fill out your details my team will send you over all the login details for the 5-Day challenge. You’ll join us live for the training with me and some amazing guests from September 30th through October 4th.

Do I need to be a healthcare professional to join the challenge?

Absolutely not. While many healthcare professionals are a part of my community, the skills that you’ll learn in this challenge can help anyone build invincible businesses, whatever career they’re in.

What skills or experience are needed to take part in this challenge?

Just log into your email, click the link, join the live training and take notes. It doesn't matter where your skills are at right now. What matters is that you’ve got a hunger to learn and change the situation you’re in. My team and the training will help you with everything else. Plus…The strategies you’ll see can be done by anyone.

Will this opportunity work for me?

Business is hard and things don’t always work out as planned, especially on your first attempt. What makes the difference between those who achieve success is they give it their all, seek support, ask questions and never give up. I’ve seen students from all sorts of backgrounds, ages and skill levels transform their careers with the skills and tools we showed them.

What is the time commitment for the Path To Gold Challenge?

We'll meet from 7PM EST to approximately 830 PM EST every day, from September 30th to October 4th. There’ll also be an opportunity to participate in a private Q&A session afterwards when you purchase a VIP or Platinum VIP Ticket.

What kind of support can I expect during the Path To Gold Challenge?

AMy team is here to support you throughout the Challenge. You can email us at: [email protected] or text/call us at: 813-534-6453.

What materials or equipment do I need for the Path To Gold Challenge?

All you need is a computer or a smartphone with internet access. All materials for the Challenge will be provided online.

Can I participate in the Path To Gold Challenge from anywhere in the world?

Yes, the Challenge takes place 100% online and you’ll be able to participate whether you’re in the North Pole or whale watching in Antarctica. All you need is a laptop or phone with wifi.

What happens after I complete the Challenge?

After completing the Challenge, you'll have the skills and knowledge to start turning your skills and expertise into gold. We also offer additional resources and support for those who want to continue their journey with us.

What if I miss a day or fall behind during the Challenge?

The Challenge will be recorded and if you grab a VIP or Platinum VIP ticket you’ll get a copy of the recordings so you can rewatch it at your convenience. However, I suggest attending the live sessions. Nothing compares to the energy and enthusiasm of being present with other like-minded healthcare professionals all focused on the same goal.

© 2024 Smart Success Healthcare

All Rights Reserved


Call Us: 1-813-534-6453

Click Here To Email Us

4625 E Bay Dr Suite 109, Clearwater, FL 33764

United States

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All product names, logos, and brands are property of their respective owners. All company, product and service names used in this website are for identification purposes only. Use of these names, logos, and brands does not imply endorsement.


We don't believe in "get rich" programs - only in hard work, adding value, building a real and professional career, and serving others with excellence and consistency. Our training is intended to help you share your message with a wider audience and to make a difference in the world while growing your personal brand. Our programs take a lot of work and discipline just like any worthwhile endeavor or professional continuing education program. As stipulated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools or strategies. We don't know you and, besides, your results in life are up to you. Agreed? We just want to help by giving great content, direction, and strategies. You should know that all products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice.

Individual results will always vary and yours will depend entirely on your individual capacity, work ethic, business skills and experience, level of motivation, diligence in applying Smart Success Healthcare’s programs, the economy, the normal and unforeseen risks of doing business, and other factors.

Privacy Policy

© 2024 Smart Success Healthcare

All Rights Reserved


Call Us: 1-813-534-6453

Click Here To Email Us

4625 E Bay Dr Suite 109, Clearwater, FL 33764

United States

This site is not a part of the Facebook website or META™ Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. Facebook is a trademark of META, Inc. YouTube™ and Google™ are trademarks of Google™, LLC.

All product names, logos, and brands are property of their respective owners. All company, product and service names used in this website are for identification purposes only. Use of these names, logos, and brands does not imply endorsement.

EARNINGS DISCLAIMER: We don't believe in "get rich" programs - only in hard work, adding value, building a real and professional career, and serving others with excellence and consistency. Our training is intended to help you share your message with a wider audience and to make a difference in the world while growing your personal brand. Our programs take a lot of work and discipline just like any worthwhile endeavor or professional continuing education program. As stipulated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools or strategies. We don't know you and, besides, your results in life are up to you. Agreed? We just want to help by giving great content, direction, and strategies. You should know that all products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice.

Individual results will always vary and yours will depend entirely on your individual capacity, work ethic, business skills and experience, level of motivation, diligence in applying Smart Success Healthcare’s programs, the economy, the normal and unforeseen risks of doing business, and other factors.

Privacy Policy